Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Lesson in Recovery

Honestly, I think the past two weeks have been the most trying of my life. Days off? Ha. Weeks without movement? Please.

I like to move, shake and feel alive. Dance, do “the whip”, whatever. My doctor insisted that I sit still for once. This is not in my vocabulary, but it is what the “doctor ordered”.

So I sit still for the first time. Ever.

As I see others moving through life while I am incapacitated, I am reminded to be grateful for the things I take for granted. Being on crutches has taught me a self-suffiency that I did not realize I possessed. I’ve learned an enormous amount about myself and my ability to navigate tough situations—crutches and all. My injury is not life threatening and seems so much worse because I am an elite athlete with Olympic dreams. Those dreams are alive and well, festering in my brain as I recover.

I have a new respect for those with true catastrophic injury or illness. I’m aware my current state of fitness, which will enable me to recover quickly, and athletic ability, are a gift from God.

These past couple of weeks have been a test. I am so ready for the challenge ahead, and I trust in my faith, the support around me and all of you.


1 comment:

  1. Matt - Glad to hear surgery went well & you are on the mend. Your body is inactive, but your mind is not. Visualize your recovery, return to training, Olympic Trials, walking into the stadium durning opening ceremony, and running your first Olympic race... Let mind create it, then your body will do it, when it's ready.
